====== Context Viewer ======
Context Viewer is a tool that allows to visualise, and browse data generated by the AWARE framework with an Internet browser.
This tool is under development, but the developer version can be downloaded from: https://bitbucket.org/sbobek/context-viewer
===== Quickstart =====
==== Binding Context Viewer with your database ====
- To run the context viewer, you will need Tomcat server installed, and Eclipse with GWT (see [[http://www.gwtproject.org/usingeclipse.html|tutorial]])
- After you checkout the project from [[https://bitbucket.org/sbobek/context-viewer|Bitbucket]], import it to the eclipse //File -> Import -> Existing Project into Worksapce//. Select the checkout project and import it. You can also checkout it with HgEclipse plugin immediately.
- Right-cilck on the project name and choose //Build Path -> Configure Build Path...//
- In //Libaries// tab click //Add External JARs// amd add all JARs that are located in // war/WEB-INF/lib //
- Open the Java file''MySQLConnection.java'' that is located in // src/dataviewer/server // and edit following code, putting your own username, password and database path: /**
* The url string holds an URL to your AWARE database
private String url = "jdbc:mysql://YOUR_HOSTNAME/YOUR_DB_NAME";
* The user string holds the username that has access to your AWARE database
private String user = "YOUR_USERNAME";
* The pass string holds the password of the user.
private String pass = "YOUR_PASSWORD";
- To compile the project, right-click on it and choose //Google -> GWT Compile...//. The compiled application will be placed in the war folder.
- After the successful compilation, create a zip archive of the content of the //war// folder (the content, not the folder itself). Change the *.zip extension to *.war and copy the file to your //webapps// folder (in Linux, usually // /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/ //).
- After typing http://localhost:8080/dataviewer in the browser, you should see the screen below that allows your to browse your contextual data: \\ {{:pub:software:contextviewer:context-viewer.png?600|}}
==== Quickstart ====