====== Context Simulator ======
Context Simulator is a tool that allows to simulate context events stored in SQL database in real time.
It is being designed to work with [[http://awareframework.com|AWARE framework]].
This tool is under development, but the developer version can be downloaded from: https://bitbucket.org/sbobek/context-simulator
===== Quickstart =====
==== Running the simluation ====
This example can be found in the project files, in ''edu.agh.awaresim.example.Main''.
// 1. First, create DataSource (in this example MysqlDataSource) by providing
// hostname, port, username, password, and name of the databese where the data for simluation are
DataSource ds = new MysqlDataSource("localhost", 3306, "root", "toor", "aware");
// 2. Then, we create a new simulator, which will be using DataSource created in the previous step
// We set the timestamp from which the simulation should start, and UUID of the device which data should
// be used for the simulation
AwareSimulator sim = new AwareSimulator(ds, 1391062684000L, UUID.fromString("92d47d9d-a600-4309-b340-b58314c2e429"));
// 3. We can set the simulation rate. In the example below we set the simulation
// to be 1000x faster than in real time.
// 4. We then create a listener that will listen for the specific event (context) during a simulation.
// In this example we create ApplicationForeground listener, which will be printing out the
// name of the application that was launched according to the simulation data launched.
sim.applicationsForeground.addListener(new AwareSimulator.Listener() {
public void onEvent(ApplicationsForeground event) {
System.out.println("App in foreground: " + event.applicationName);
// 5. Now we start the simulation
You can also set the speed of the simulation while the simulation is running (''AwareSimulator#setSpeed'' ).
This also apply to adding new listeners (''AwareSimulator.Listener'') and turing on/off event handlers (''AwareSimulator.EventsHandler'').
==== Adding new sensor to Context Simulator ====
- Open the project and find ''table'' package within it:{{:pub:software:contextsimulator:table_package.jpg?500|}}
- Create the new class within the ''table'' package. Use the name that corresponds to the table name in your database. This is not a requirement, but helps in later code management:{{:pub:software:contextsimulator:create_new_class.jpg?500|}}
- Implement in this calss methods and fields that correspond to the table columns in your database. In particular create a construcotr and ''toString()'' method:
package edu.agh.awaresim.table;
import edu.agh.awaresim.AbstractEvent;
import java.util.UUID;
public class Accelerometer implements AbstractEvent{
public int id() { return _id; }
public long timestamp() { return _timestamp; }
public UUID device() { return _device; }
private final int _id;
private final long _timestamp;
private final UUID _device;
public final double doubleValues0;
public final double doubleValues1;
public final double doubleValues2;
public final int accuracy;
public final String label;
public Accelerometer(int id, long timestamp, UUID device,
double doubleValues0, double doubleValues1, double doubleValues2,
int accuracy, String label) {
this._id = id;
this._timestamp = timestamp;
this._device = device;
this.doubleValues0 = doubleValues0;
this.doubleValues1 = doubleValues1;
this.doubleValues2 = doubleValues2;
this.accuracy = accuracy;
this.label = label;
public String toString() {
return "["+id()+"] - ["+timestamp()+"] - ["+device()+"] -
["+ doubleValues0 +"] - ["+ doubleValues1 +"] -
["+ doubleValues2 +"] - ["+ accuracy +"] - "+ label +"";
- Open ''AwareSimulator'' class and add appropriate event handlers: {{:pub:software:contextsimulator:awaresimulator.jpg?500|}} package edu.agh.awaresim;
public final EventsHandler accelerometer;
this.accelerometer = new EventsHandler(dataSource.accelerometer());
- Open ''DataSource'' interface and create new source: {{:pub:software:contextsimulator:datasource.jpg?500|}} package edu.agh.awaresim;
public Source accelerometer();
- Open ''MysqlDataSource'' and create a method that will return records from your AWARe database table: {{:pub:software:contextsimulator:mysqldatasource.jpg?500|}} package edu.agh.awaresim;
public Source accelerometer() {
return new Source() {
public List apply(UUID device, int withIdGreaterThan, long withTimestampGreaterEqualTo, int number) {
List rv = new ArrayList();
ResultSet result = query("accelerometer", device, withIdGreaterThan, withTimestampGreaterEqualTo, number);
while (result.next())
rv.add(new Accelerometer(
} catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); }
return rv;
- In the main class in the ''main'' method, add a listener that will handle the new context events:package edu.agh.awaresim.example;
sim.accelerometer.addListener(new AwareSimulator.Listener() {
public void onEvent(Accelerometer event) {
System.out.println("Accelerometer: " + event);
- Run the simulation and check if the listener works: {{:pub:software:contextsimulator:lastcheck.jpg?500|}}